Catholic Social Services Australia has welcomed yesterday’s decision by Federal Cabinet to extend pandemic leave disaster payments beyond the scheme’s expiry on 30 September.
Executive Director of Catholic Social Services Australia, Ms Monique Earsman, said continuing the payments beyond the end of September and for as long as mandatory isolation remains in place is essential for low-paid and casual workers.
“These casual workers, who receive little or no sick leave, are carrying an unfair burden when they are forced into isolation,” Ms Earsman said.
“It is crucial these payments continue for as long as workers are being asked to isolate while infectious.
“Up to a third of workers across Australia don’t have access to sick leave, so for them to meet the isolation rules, they need to receive some support from the government.
“We should not be cutting back this support if we want workers to stay safe and for the risk of broader infection to be reduced,” Ms Earsman said.
The National Cabinet met virtually yesterday and agreed the Commonwealth and States and Territories would continue 50:50 cost-sharing arrangements for the payment.
First Ministers agreed to cap the maximum number of PLDP claims an individual can make in a six-month period to three.
Sector welcomes extension of pandemic payments, CathNews
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