The CSSA member agency network is drawn from Catholic social welfare organisations, operating under the authority of a diocesan bishop or a religious order, and from Catholic lay associations. Catholic social policy organisations that operate at the state or local levels are eligible to become Associate Members of CSSA.
Our Member Agencies deliver a broad range of services, such as aged care, NDIS services, youth work, financial counselling, family and relationship support services, homelessness services, emergency relief, and other services that assist the vulnerable and impoverished. Our network operates in more than 600 sites across Australia.
You can search our member directory by location or agency name.
Dunlea Centre, Australia Original Boys Town
Address: Dunlea Centre, Australia Original Boys Town, Corner of Waratah & Woronora Roads, Engadine, Sydney, NSW, 2233, Australia
Dunlea Centre is a voluntary residential school and family preservation program for girls and boys, working intensively with those troubled youth and their families who are at risk of breakdown. At Dunlea Centre as well as deal with those issues we also provide valuable life skills experiences, including camps, sporting activities, self-esteem, teamwork, anger management programs and educational trips.
Centacare Far North Queensland
Address: Centacare Far North Queensland, 22-34Aplin Street, Cairns City QLD, Australia
Centacare FNQ is the Social Services agency of the Catholic Diocese of Cairns. Covering the region from Cardwell in the south, west to the Northern Territory border and north to the Torres Strait and Gulf of Carpentaria we We offer support through the following programs; Counselling Services, Emergency Relief, Social Wellbeing Hub, Mental Health & Wellbeing Coaching, Multicultural Services. We offer support through the following programs: Counselling Services, Emergency Relief, Marlin Coast Respite Centre Mental Health Services, Migrant Services, Time Out Program Youth Services along with other general information that may be of assistance to people
St Francis Xavier’s Parish, Centacare Ballina
Address: St Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 53-57 Cherry Street, Ballina NSW, Australia
Centacare Ballina offers Aged Care (Community), Education and Homelessness services.
Address: MercyCare, 38 Ord Street, West Perth WA 6005, Australia
MercyCare has been working for and with West Aussies for over 170 years delivering a range of community services including childcare, aged care, disability services, family and healthcare services.
Centacare South West NSW
Address: Centacare South West NSW, 201 Tarcutta Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650, Australia
Centacare South West NSW, situated in the Catholic Diocese of Wagga Wagga, has four main office locations including Wagga Wagga, Albury, Griffith and Finley. Services include, but are not limited to counselling for individuals, couples, young people and their families, complex case services, mental health support services, relationship education, parenting courses, post separation support as well as counselling for students and families in the Catholic School community.
Jesuit Social Services
Address: Jesuit Social Services, 326 Church Street, Richmond VIC 3121, Australia
We provide practical programs and advocacy across four main areas: •Justice and crime prevention – for people involved with the criminal justice system •Mental health and wellbeing – for people with multiple and complex needs and those affected by trauma, suicide, and complex bereavement •Settlement and community building – for recently arrived immigrants, refugees, displaced people and disadvantaged communities •Education, training and employment – for people with barriers to sustainable employment. We work at the hard end of social justice with some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the community. We partner with community to support those most in need, and go where hope is needed most. We promote education, lifelong learning and capacity building in all our activities.
CatholicCare NT
Address: CatholicCare NT, 17 Hidden Valley Road, Berrimah NT 0828, Australia
CatholicCare NT is a not-for-profit organisation providing family and community services, drug and alcohol programs and employment services to individuals, couples, families, groups, schools and agencies throughout the Northern Territory.
CatholicCare Tasmania
Address: CatholicCare Tasmania, 35 Tower Road, New Town TAS 7008, Australia
CatholicCare Tasmania is committed to Christian principles and continuously strives to be at the forefront in the provision of welface and human services in Tasmania. We respond to individuals, families and the community by offering a broad range of specialised and professional support, counselling, accommodation, emergency assistance, advocacy, education and training thoughout Tasmania.
St Agnes’ Care and Lifestyle
Address: Home Care - St Agnes' Care & Lifestyle, 150 Horton Street, Port Macquarie NSW, Australia
Domus 8.7
Address: Locked Bag 5040, Alexandria NSW 2015
Domus 8.7 is a confidential service available to business, workers or people impacted by modern slavery to obtain support, advice and guidance on how to respond to potential situations.
CatholicCare Central Queensland
Address: CatholicCare Central Queensland, 16 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton QLD, Australia
Address: Marist 180, 36 First Ave, Blacktown NSW 2148, Australia
Marist180 is a catholic organisation that serves and helps young people at risk within Australia in three different regions. Marist180 provides a range of services that are tailored to help clients on a case by case basis. The services Marist180 provide to young people include employment, housing, education and intensive therapeutic care. The goal of Marist180 is to build young people into someone that can stand proudly on their own and encourage them to seek a bright and exciting tomorrow for themselves and their communities.
Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul
Address: Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul, 176 Balaclava Road Marsfield
Daughters of Charity are called to serve Jesus Christ in the person of those who are deprived and vulnerable, with a spirit of humility, simplicity and charity.
Centacare Central West & Orana
Address: Centacare Bathurst, 107 William St, Bathurst NSW 2795, Australia
Centacare Central West & Orana operates across the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst with offices in Dubbo, Orange, Wellington, Gilgandra, Coonabarabran, and Lithgow. The services offered are aimed at supporting families and relationships, community capacity building and enhancing equitable access for vulnerable and disadvantaged people with a special focus on Indigenous Communities in the region.
Sisters of Mercy Brisbane Congregation Leadership Team
Address: Sisters of Mercy Brisbane Congregation Leadership Team, 131 Queens Road, Nudgee Qld 4014
Marymead CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn
Address: 51 Cooyong Street, Braddon ACT 2612, Australia
Marymead CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn, a well-respected, not-for-profit organisation servicing the ACT and southern and western regional areas of NSW, has been delivering a range of high quality, individual and family support services (children, young people and their families) for over 60 years.
With offices in Canberra and in NSW at Goulburn, Moruya, Bega, Young and Wagga Wagga, Marymead CatholicCare’s array of programs and services include children & young people’s services, family & relationship services, counselling & therapeutic supports, out of home & foster care, mental health support, disability services, tenancy & property management, accommodation & support services, alcohol & other drug supports, homelessness services, retirement living and aged care.
Marymead CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn is the social services agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, providing person-centred services across the lifespan, making a positive difference to those in need.
CatholicCare Hunter-Manning
Address: CatholicCare Hunter-Manning, 50 Crebert Street, Mayfield, NSW, 2304, Australia
CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning is a not-for-profit organisation and an outreach agency of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. We offer a range of services including Children's Services (excluding Foster Care), Disability, Drug and Alcohol, Employee Assistance Programs, Family and Relationships Services, Refugee and Asylum Seeker Services, Marriage Education, Mental Health Support, Pregnancy Support, Out of Home Care - Foster Care, Youth Services and Homelessness services
CatholicCare Sydney
Address: CatholicCare Sydney, 2C West St, Lewisham NSW 2049, Australia
CatholicCare was founded as the official welfare agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney. We provide a range of services which allows us to provide wrap around servicing and coordinated specialist assistance to service users living with multiple issues/complex disadvantage. Our services include Aged Care (Community), Children's Services (excluding Foster Care), Disability, Family Violence, Drug and Alcohol, Education, Employment, Employee Assistance Programs, Family and Relationships Services, Financial Counselling, Gambling Help, Housing, Refugee and Asylum Seeker Services, Indigenous, Marriage Education, Mental Health Support, Pastoral Ministries, Policy/Advocacy/Research, Prison Ministry and Post Release Support, Pregnancy Support, Vocational Programs, Youth Services.
CatholicCare Victoria
Address: CatholicCare Victoria, 4-6 Peel Street North, Bakery Hill Ballarat, VIC 3350, Australia
CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes
Address: CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes, 136 Lachlan St,Forbes NSW 2871
CatholiCare Wilcannia – Forbes is the official welfare service of the Catholic Church of the Diocese of Wilcannia – Forbes, which covers the western 52 per cent of New South Wales. We have offices in Bathurst, Bourke, Brewarrina, Broken Hill, Condobolin, Dubbo, Forbes, Lake Cargelligo, Narromine, Orange, Parkes, Wilcannia, Cobar and Nyngan/Warren. We offer a range of services including Aged Care (Community), Family and Relationships Services, Homelessness, Financial Counselling, Gambling Help, Housing, Indigenous, Mental Health Support and Youth Services
Centacare Geraldton
Address: Centacare Geraldton,3 Maitland St, Geraldton, WA, 6530, Australia
Centacare Family Services Geraldton provides a range of children and family services including family law/mediation, counselling and emergency relief.
Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart Congregation Leadership Team
Address: Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, 9 Mount Street, North Sydney NSW, Australia
Centacare Catholic Family Services SA
Address: Centacare Catholic Family Services, 45 Wakefield Street, Kent Town SA, Australia
As the official community service agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide, we deliver responsive, flexible and effective services to the South Australian community without regard to religion, race, culture or economic circumstance. Our work encompasses a range of sectors, including disability, family, youth and children, health and wellbeing, employment, education and training, homelessness and domestic violence. We have services located in metropolitan and rural areas.
Institute Of Sisters Of Mercy Of Australia & Papua New Guinea
Address: 33 Myrtle Street, Stanmore NSW 2048, Australia
The Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea (ISMAPNG) is a community of Catholic Religious Sisters in Australia, Papua New Guinea and further abroad. Whatever and whenever our ministry is, we are part of the one Mercy mission, part of the ongoing mission of the compassionate Jesus. In furthering our charism, we partner with women and men as employees, associates and volunteers. Together we have a proud and continuing history of serving people suffering from injustices related to poverty, sickness or lack of education.
Trustees of Mary Aikenhead Ministries
Address: Mary Aikenhead Ministries, 55 Grafton Street, Bondi Junction NSW, Australia
Address: Aspleycare, 479 Robinson Rd W, Aspley QLD 4034, Australia
Catholic Marriage and Fertility Services
Address: Catholic Marriage and Fertility Services, 33 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA, Australia
Promotes and supports Catholic understanding and teaching on marriage and natural family planning. Provides marriage preparation and enrichment courses, relationship education and counselling services.
CatholicCare Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains
Address: CatholicCare Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains, 38 Prince Street , Blacktown, NSW, 2148, Australia
CatholicCare Social Services Parramatta provides high quality social services for the Parramatta Diocese covering the Cumberland Plain from Parramatta through Blacktown, Mt Druitt to Penrith, the Blue Mountains, the Hawkesbury and the Hills Districts. We provides a wide range of programs and services under four portfolios: Counselling and Education Portfolio assists individuals, couples, children and families to develop and maintain safe, supportive, healthy and enriching relationships; Disability, Mental Health and Ageing Portfolio enables aged and disabled people to live a quality life; Community and Family Support Portfolio empowers and strengthens families to ensure the resilience and wellbeing of children and young people and Aboriginal and Community Development Portfolio empowers communities through cultural awareness and integration
Sisters of Charity Community Care
Address: Sisters of Charity Foundation, Level 7/35 Grafton Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia
North West Queensland Indigenous Catholic Social Services
Address: North West Queensland Indigenous Catholic Social Services, 17 Stanley Street, The Gap Mount Isa, QLD 4825, Australia
NWQICSS was created in 2008 to formally address issues effecting the life of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in North West Queensland. We provide the following services across Mount Isa, Boulia, Morington Island and Doomadgee; Early Learning (including Child Care), Community Building, Drug and Alcohol, Emergency Relief (includes Disaster Relief), Indigenous, Prison Ministry and Post Release Support and Homelessness services.
CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay
Address: CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay, Caroline Chisholm Centre, Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills NSW, Australia
CatholicCare has been the public face of professional caring in the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay since 1987. We provide a wide range of programs and support services to children, young people, individuals and families from our Family Centres and outreach locations throughout northern Sydney and the NSW Central Coast. Hospital Chaplaincy is also provided in acute care hospitals throughout the diocese.
CatholicCare Social Services Toowoomba & the South West
Address: CatholicCare Social Services, 146 Mort Street, Toowoomba City QLD, Australia
CatholicCare Social Services responds to the needs of individuals, families and the community in Toowoomba, Darling Downs and Queensland's South West by providing a range of services, which includes:
- Families Support Services with individual counselling, family counselling for relationship and family issues (including separated parents)
- Family Relationship Centre with Mediation Services and Post-Separation Parenting Programs
- Migrant and Refugee Services (TRAMS) providing settlement support services, employment support programs (SQW and DQW)
- Youth Services, working with high risk young people and their families involved in the justice system.
Centacare North Queensland
Address: Centacare North Queensland, 410 Ross River Road, Cranbrook QLD, Australia
Centacare North Queensland, auspiced by the Catholic Church provides an extensive range of programs and services to families in the North Queensland. We operate across Mount Isa, Cloncurry, Normanton and Bowen and delivers outreach services to the regional communities of Ingham, Palm Island, Charters Towers, Ayr, Home Hill, Collinsville, Proserpine, Cannonvale, Richmond and Julia Creek. Our service delivery and expertise range from: therapeutic and brief counselling in a range of areas including relationships, grief and loss, managing wellness, self-esteem, gambling and addictions, parenting; family support; case management; homelessness; dispute resolution; • disability services: in-home, respite and residential care, and educative groups and course work in a variety of areas including: healthy relationships, parenting, self-esteem, effective management of emotions and feelings, and budgeting. Working with adults, children and adolescents, our range of services and innovative approaches reflect the diversity of our region.
Centacare New England North West
Address: Centacare New England North West, 150 Rusden Street, Armidale NSW
Centacare New England North West is a QIC quality accredited not-for-profit organisation providing support services throughout the New England North West region. We have six offices which are located in Tamworth, Armidale, Moree, Narrabri, Inverell and Walgett. Centacare services include: Psychological, counselling and Mental Health services Medicare services; assessments; Catholic School counselling; Responsible Gambling Program for people with problem gambling behaviours and their family and friends; Mental health education, support and group programs for individuals, family members, carers and general community through the Family Mental Health Support Service, and; The Personal Helpers and Mentors program for people living with a mental illness. Tamworth headspace centre which provides support services to young people 12 to 25 focusing on mental health. Family Relationship Services The Family Relationship Centre which provides child focused mediation for parents going through separation or divorce, as well as parenting and family relationship education courses. Other services Gamilaraay Language program English Language program for CALD community members Beehive support group for all community with a focus on CALD community members Disability services
MacKillop Family Services
Address: MacKillop Family Services South Melbourne, 237 Cecil St, South Melbourne VIC 3205, Australia
MacKillop Family Services (MacKillop) is a leading provider of specialist support services for children, young people and families in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia, particularly those who have experienced distress, disadvantage, abuse and/or neglect. We provide early intervention programs to support the most vulnerable families, and provide education, disability support, home-based care and out of home care for vulnerable children and young people. MacKillop also provides supported access to historical records for its care leavers, and where appropriate, supports them to reconnect with their family. MacKillop is an accredited Sanctuary Organisation, and the only accredited Sanctuary Model training and consultancy service provider in Australia.
Centacare Brisbane
Address: Centacare Administration Office, 1/229 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia
Centacare is an agency that was founded as the official welfare agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane. We operate across more than 200 service centres delivering a wide range of services across aged care, disability support, relationship services, childcare and pastoral care.
CatholicCare Wollongong
Address: CatholicCare Wollongong, 25-27 Auburn Street, PO Box 1174, Wollongong, NSW, 2500, Australia
CatholicCare is the social services agency of the Illawarra Catholic Diocese of Wollongong, covering the Illawarra, Shoalhaven, Macarthur & Southern Highlands Regions. We work together to make a difference in people's lives by offering opportunities for growth, healing, resilience and hope. CatholicCare is an inclusive organisation committed to helping anyone in need regardless of religious beliefs. We offer Family & Relationship counselling, Marriage & Relationships education, Parenting Support Workshops, School Student Family Program, Foster Care and Contact as well as various Aged and Disability Services.
Centacare Catholic Country SA
Address: Centacare Catholic Country SA, 28 Head Street, Whyalla Stuart SA 5608, Australia
Centacare Catholic Country SA operates across Western and Northern South Australia, and is one of the leading not-for-profit agencies providing family and community services across regional, rural, and remote South Australia (SA).
St Francis Social Services
Address: St Francis Social Services, 461-3 Oxford Street, Paddington, NSW, 2021, Australia
St Francis Social Services delivers high quality family and relationship services which are available to all people. Our services include Family and Relationship Services, Family Dispute Resolution Services, Cultural Community Engagement, Family Law Pathways, Family Mental Health Support Services ParentsNext and Communities for Children