Become a Member

Multiculture Teenagers Hanging Out

Why Join CSSA

Be part of a vibrant Catholic Social Service Ministry across Australia – connect, innovate, and collaborate with like-minded service providers.

CSSA works with members to influence policymakers and governments to develop just and compassionate social and economic policies.

We amplify their voices at a national level.

Member BenefitsAffiliate MembersAssociate MembersOrdinary Members
Connect with the Catholic social services network and the Church
Voting rights and governance opportunities  
Opportunity to represent at Board level  
Free advertising of job vacancies or EOI 
Attendance at the AGM
Access to monthly Executive Updates/ e‑newsletter, subscription to reports, research papers, and media releases
Members only resources
Access to webinars
Access to events and conferences
Access to dedicated members’ portal for digital templates and other resources 
Promotion of members’ work on the CSSA website and social media 
Access to advocacy for government stakeholders 
Amplify members’ logos and profiles on CSSA’s website 
Access to CSSA’s logo for members’ website 
Access to networking and professional development 
Sector advocacy on policy and government relations support
Access to influential national networks and links to key decision-makers in government and the sector 
Access to consultation on developing localised advocacy positions and campaigns 
Tap into specialist expertise in social services sector policies 
Receive regular updates on current issues being pursued at the Federal level

Membership type is defined by the following:

Ordinary MembersAn Ordinary Member:
  1. must be a body corporate;
  2. must be a Catholic social service organisation, acting on behalf of a Public Juridic Person, that delivers programs and services to the Australian community; and
  3. shall be entitled to vote.
Associate MembersAn Associate Member:
  1. must be a body corporate;
  2. must operate within the Catholic Church;
  3. must have objects or purposes which include functions associated with the ministry of Catholic social welfare; and
  4. shall not be entitled to vote.
Affiliate Members (Individual)An Affiliate Member:
  1. must be a natural person;
  2. must have an interest in the Objects of the Company; and
  3. shall not be entitled to vote.

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