Dates: 21-23 February 2024
Location: Catholic Leadership Centre, 576 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002
Tickets: $430 CSSA and CSSV Members (Full price: $480)
Catholic Social Services Australia and Catholic Social Services Victoria are pleased to present the 2024 Catholic Social Services National Conference.
This Conference aims to strengthen and advance our shared work in Catholic social services as part of the social mission of the Church – connecting with colleagues across social services, health, parishes and education. It provides a moment to share expertise, and take pause to think and imagine our place within a broader mission. You might be a youth worker. An executive director. A volunteer. A pastoral associate. A graduate social worker. A retired Religious. A governance professional. A seasoned veteran of social justice. Whoever you are and what role you play – if you want to be inspired, challenged, and be part of values-driven sector committed to nothing less than positive social transformation – this conference is for you.
This conference desires to contribute to creating true communities out of a common effort for the common good.
Conference keynotes, plenary sessions and workshops will include focus on our theme and provide a grounding for all attendees to take back thinking and practical ideas to their own organisations and contexts.
The 2024 Conference provides an opportunity for future leaders (<30) to participate via a two for one ticket. Leadership, governance and program staff will all benefit from the program.
For Pope Francis, everything is interconnected and justice is ecological, inclusive of both social and environmental justice. All our relationships are sustained within our common home. A true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear “both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”
No matter our differences, we share a common humanity. There is more that unites us than divides us. People have shared needs for thriving – social, spiritual and material needs. It is important that we hold the opportunity to build relationships and cooperation with others who see the world differently, and in a spirit of solidarity find ways to support each other — no matter age, ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, political beliefs, race, religion, nationality or marital status — so that all may flourish.
Common Good
Now is a time for reinvigorating the politics of the common good. The Common Good and the “greater good” can be confused. They are very different. The utilitarian approach of “the greatest good for the greatest number” exists in contrast to the principle of human dignity which lies at the heart of a Catholic ethic. All people are inherently valuable and unique. This requires that we do not reduce them to a mere statistic.
The common good incorporates the principle of a preferential option for the poor. This “is an uncompromising and unequivocal taking of sides in a situation of structural conflict. It is not a matter of preaching to some people rather than to others, or a matter of being generous to the ‘under-privileged’, or a judgment about the personal guilt of the rich, or even, in the first instance, a matter of life-style. It is the assertion that Christian faith entails, for everyone and as part of its essence, the taking of sides in the structural conflict between the oppressor and the oppressed” (Albert Nolan OP).
The 2024 Conference provides an opportunity for future leaders (<30) to participate via a two for one ticket. Leadership, governance and program staff will all benefit from the program. We look forward to seeing you there.
Keynote Speakers

Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv
Bishop Vincent is the Bishop of Parramatta and Chair of the Australian Bishops Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service. He arrived by boat in Australia as a refugee. He is a Conventual Franciscan friar and studied for the priesthood in Melbourne. He holds a licentiate in Christology and Spirituality from the Pontifical Faculty of St Bonaventure. He was elected Superior of the Order of Friars Minor Conventuals in Australia in 2005. He served as Assistant General in Rome from 2008 until 2011, responsible for the Asia-Oceania section of his Order. He was also previously Episcopal Vicar for Social Services in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Bishop Vincent is the first Vietnamese born bishop to lead a diocese outside of Vietnam and the first Vietnamese born bishop in Australia.

Dr Julie Edwards, OAM
Julie is CEO of Jesuit Social Services, having joined the organisation in 2001. Julie has over 40 years’ experience engaging with marginalised people and families experiencing breakdown and trauma. She is a social worker, family therapist, and a grief and loss counsellor. Julie has a Masters in Social Work and has completed a PhD in organisational identity. Julie has served on a number of government and philanthropic committees that work to promote a more just society and contribute to the health and wellbeing of members of our community.

Professor Mark Considine AM
Mark is regarded as one of Australia’s most respected and highly cited public policy specialists with a career spanning academic research and applied policy work for government and civil society organisations. He is currently Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of Melbourne. He has previously been the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Provost of the University of Melbourne His research areas include governance studies, comparative social policy, employment services, public sector reform, local development, and organisational sociology. His recent book The Careless State — reforming Australia’s social services is a significant contribution in both critique of social services markets and in finding new approaches to these service systems that are failing many disadvantaged Australians.

Ms Claire Victory
Claire has spent 29 years in various roles and capacities with St Vincent de Paul Society, and was its National President from 2019 – 2023. She is trained in law and after a number of years in legal practice is currently Director of Industrial Policy & Practice at the Australian Nurses and Midwifery Federation (SA Branch). She believes that most people are essentially good, but that we need strong government and a strong sense of community to ensure that the dignity of all people is respected.
Panellists & Moderators
Sr Brigid Arthur AO, Coordinator, Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project
Mr Craig Arthur, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council
Ms Stella Avramopoulos, CEO, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand
Aunty Esme Bamblett, Co-Chair Elders’ Voice, First People’s Assembly of Victoria
Ms Erica Bernard, Community Liaison Officer, Catholic Education WA
Mr Matthew Cassin, CEO, Catholic Development Fund
Ms Kasy Chambers, Executive Director, Anglicare
Ms Monique Earsman, Executive Director, Catholic Social Services Australia
Ms Vicky Gonzalez Burrows, Executive Director of Mission & Ethos, MercyCare
Aunty Colleen Harney, Truth Receiver, Yoorrook Justice Commission
Ms Claerwen Little, National Director, UnitingCare Australia
Ms Jayne Lloyd, Director, CatholicCare NT
Mr Paul McDonald, CEO, Anglicare Victoria
The Hon. James Merlino, former Deputy Premier, Victoria
Ms Marcelle Mogg, CEO, Mental Health Victoria
Associate Prof. Ben Phillips, Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Social Research and Methods, ANU
Dr Robyn Sampson, Chief Executive Officer, Baptist Care
Mr Peter Selwood, Executive Director, Centacare Brisbane
Dr Edward Simons, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools
Ms Anita Veivers, Executive Director, Centacare FNQ
The Hon. Graham West, CEO, Amelie Housing
Further names to be announced.
Conference Workshops

Media Partner

Day One: Wednesday, 21 February 2024 – ‘Commonality’
Starting at 1.30pm with Registration and Afternoon Tea | |
2.00-3.00pm | Welcome and Opening Liturgy – Smoking Ceremony |
3.00-3.15pm 3.15-4.30pm | Conference Introduction Keynote Address: Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv – What makes us human? What is essential to flourish? |
4.30-5.30pm | Panel Discussion: – Unlocking our shared DNA: Reflections from Major Church Providers: – Paul McDonald, CEO, Anglicare Victoria (standing in for Kasy Chambers) – Dr Robyn Sampson, CEO, BaptistCare – Ms Claerwen Little, National Director, UnitingCare Australia Moderator: Ms Monique Earsman, Executive Director Catholic Social Services Australia Responder: Archbishop Peter Comensoli, Ninth Archbishop of Melbourne |
6.30pm | Conference Dinner and Mary MacKillop Oration: Ms Claire Victory Going back to our roots – what grounds us today in our shared work? |
Day Two: Thursday, 22 February 2024 – ‘Commons’
9.00-9.20am | Welcome |
9.20-10.25am | Keynote Address: Dr Julie Edwards OAM, CEO Jesuit Social Services – The role of social services and their work on the commons |
10.25-10.50am | Morning break |
10.50-11.45am | Panel Discussion – Reflections on the Australia we want to be – Sr Brigid Arthur AO, Coordinator, Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project – Associate Professor Ben Phillips, Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Social Research and Methods, ANU – Prof John Wiseman, Senior Research Fellow, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute Moderator: The Hon James Merlino, Former Deputy Premier, Victoria |
11.50-12.45pm | Panel Discussion – Responding to changing times: The possibilities of leading and collaborating across sectors – Ms Marcelle Mogg, CEO, Mental Health Victoria – Mr Matthew Cassin, CEO, Catholic Development Fund – Dr Edward Simons, Executive Director, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – Craig Arthur, National Administrator, NATSICC Moderator: Ms Anita Veivers, Executive Director, Centacare FNQ |
12.45-1.30pm | Lunch |
1.30-3.00pm 3.00pm-3.30pm 3.30pm 5.00pm | Interactive workshop sessions Afternoon Tea Interactive workshop sessions |
5.30-6.30pm | Conference Mass: Celebrant – Most Reverend Bishop Martin Ashe, Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne St John the Evangelist Church, East Melbourne |
Day Three: Friday, 23 February 2024 – ‘Common Good’
7.30-9.00am | Breakfast Briefing – Reconciliation and the path forward – Aunty Esme Bamblett, Co-Chair Elders Voice, First Nations Assembly of Victoria – Erica Bernard, Community Liaison Officer, Catholic Education WA – Aunty Colleen Harney, Truth Receiver, Yoorrook Justice Commission Moderator: Ms Vicky Gonzalez Burrows, Executive Director of Mission & Ethos, MercyCare |
9.15-10.30am | Keynote Address: Professor Mark Considine AM – Service Systems for the Common Good: Where are we headed? |
10.30-11.00am | Morning break |
11.00-12.00pm | Panel Discussion – Services and Programs that inspire: Celebrating the common good – Ms Stella Avramopoulos, CEO, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand – Ms Jayne Lloyd, Director, CatholicCare NT – The Hon. Graham West, CEO, Amelie Housing Moderator: Mr Peter Selwood, Executive Director, Centacare Brisbane |
12:00–12:30pm | Closing Reflections and Liturgy |
12.30-1.30pm | Lunch |
Places to Stay
Conference delegates are free to make their own arrangements regarding accommodation and travel as required.
The following are some possible accommodation options located in the area (although not an exhaustive list):
- Catholic Leadership Centre, 576 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne (which is also the Conference venue)
- Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre, 362 Albert St, East Melbourne
- Birches Serviced Apartments, 160 Simpson St, East Melbourne
- Tribeca Serviced Apartments, 9c/166 Albert St, East Melbourne
- Albert Height Services Apartments, 83 Albert St, East Melbourne
- Pullman on the Park, 192 Wellington Parade, Melbourne
- Ibis Hotel, 15-21 Therry St, Melbourne
- Comfort Hotel East Melbourne, 90 Albert St, East Melbourne
Getting There – Car Parking and Public Transport Options
Read about options for accessing the Catholic Leadership Centre by car or public transport.
Call for Papers
Expressions of Interest have now closed. If you have any further questions, please contact us at: [email protected]